Last year I turned the ArduinoISP circuit into a PCB, which I etched on a single sided board. The design had a few practical issues, and etched PCBs always get kinda grimy over time, so I improved it and sent it off for professional production. A picture of a blue, assembled circuit board capable of flashing the arduino bootloader onto an ATMEGA chip. The improved design features labelled status LEDs next to the socket (instead of in front), and a silkscreen displaying basic instructions for flashing a chip, and most importantly, a small mouse in the top left corner.

I drew and printed a turntable with as minimal a component count as possible. It uses a geared N20 motor, a 12mm o-ring, and a 608 ball bearing (as can be found in discarded fidget spinners). It runs on 1v/10mA, and could therefore potentially be run on a solar cell for automatic plant rotation.

In this years Multimodal Interaction course the theme was collaboration. For a prototype, I built an electronic puzzle requiring collaboration, and a communication device to facilitate it. The goal was to examine if it was possible for regular users to develop a non-verbal domain-specific language about a system. A demonstration of the prototype is shown here:

And a more thorough explanation of what, why and how can be found in the final course report. I promise it makes some kind of sense. The report can be found here, accompanying code and cad files here.

Another of our fall courses was Design som produkter, services, systemer og oplevelser, which involves a series of design assignments for different time periods and frameworks. My chosen object for redesign was an Ankarsrum Assistent: A collage of different mixers. Yes, that is a mixer shaped like a sex toy. The full portfolio can be found here.

Selected audioshots for this year:





Still growing older. Maybe even growing up.